Practice Exams

Pardot Specialist and Salesforce Admin Practice Exams

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When you complete each exam, be sure to click the “What’s My Score!?” button to receive your practice exam results via email.  The email will also include the correct answers for each question, as well as helpful links to additional study materials where possible. 

Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.01

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.02

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.03

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.04

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.05

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.06

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.07

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 22.08

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 21.01

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Specialist Practice Exam 21.02

This Pardot Specialist practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Pardot Admin or Pardot Specialist Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Pardot knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Salesforce Admin Practice Exam 21.02

This Salesforce Admin practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Salesforce Admin Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Salesforce knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if you fail. After

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Salesforce Admin Practice Exam 21.01

This Salesforce Admin practice Exam features questions similar to those you’ll see when taking the Salesforce Admin Certification Exams. Work through each of the questions to gauge your current Salesforce knowledge. Treat this like you would the real exam – don’t use notes or study materials – you can always re-take if you fail. After

To access this post, you must purchase Cypress Academy Student.

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Pardot Admin Bootcamp

Live instruction can often be the difference between pass or fail. If you want to be sure you're ready for the exams, or if you're just ready to have more confidence when taking on new challenges in your current position, then a Pardot Bootcamp might be the answer.

Salesforce Admin Bootcamp

If you're planning to take the Salesforce Admin Certification, or are just needing to level up your skills to secure your next promotion, a Salesforce Admin Bootcamp might be the ticket to a better future.