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Protect your Forms with a Honeypot

Protect your Salesforce Web-to-Lead Forms with a HIDDEN Honeypot Field

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve launched a form with an integration to your CRM.

Whether you’re using Pardot, Salesforce, Hubspot or even just a plain HTML form you may start noticing more and more ‘fake’ leads polluting your system. Who are these people and what are these random leads?

If you’re sales team is starting to complain about fake leads, here’s a little code snippet you can include to limit the bots

What’s a Honeypot?

A honeypot is a hidden field added to the form that the users can’t see. We will hide the field from humans by using CSS visibility:none; and use some JavaScript to determine whether or not we’ll actually accept this submission into our CRM.

If a bot is spamming our form, the JavaScript will detect a value in our Honeypot field and send the submission somewhere else. Since humans don’t see the field, a real submission should never have a value in this hidden field.

And here’s what you’ve been waiting for. The code:


Are you working towards your Pardot Certification, or just want to be a better Pardot Admin? Attend our 2-day Pardot Admin Bootcamp! Space is limited!

1 Comment

  1. What are the min. requirements i.e. license, accounts etc. to deploy a honeypot on Web-to-Led (Salesforce) process to reduce fake leads?

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